

Robotic manipulator design and design optimization for task specific applications. Our expertise expand beyond current serial and parallel manipulators which are wildly in use for industrial applications. Together, we will design new manipulator structures for your specific needs.

  • Understanding the problem and overcoming current challenges
  • Multi-body kinematic chain design for your purpose
  • Workspace analysis
  • Kinematics and Dynamics analysis
  • Path planning
  • Controller design and tuning
  • Systems level calibrations and qualifications
Robotic manipulator design and optimization for specific applications. Our expertise expand beyond serial and parallel manipulators which are wildly in use for industrial applications. Together, we can design new manipulator structures for your specific needs.
  • Your problem and current solution challenges
  • Multi-body kinematic chain design for your purpose
  • Kinematics and Dynamics analysis
  • Path planning
  • Controller design and tuning
  • Systems level calibrations and qualifications